Centre for Child and the Law
About the Centre
The Centre for Child and the Law (CCL) was established as a specialized multi-disciplinary research centre of NLSIU on April 1, 1996. The Centre integrates research, direct field action, and teaching on child rights law. We use law and socio-legal strategies as tools for transformative social change to enable children to live with dignity. Our aim is to ensure social justice, human rights and quality of life for all children in India, with special focus on equitable quality education, care, protection and justice for marginalized and excluded children. More
Child Protection

Capacity Building
Training Programme on Juvenile Justice For DLSA Lawyers
The Centre for Child and the Law, National Law School of India University (NLSIU) in collaboration with ...
Right to Food

Building Resilient Food Systems through Effective Governance Practices
The Centre for Child and Law (CCL), National Law School of India University ...
Right to Education

Draft National Policy on Universal Attainment of Education and Reintegration of Out of School Children
The CCL team was invited to be a part of the Campaign Against Child Labour’s National Consultation on the Draft Child...
CCL has been bringing out publications which includes awareness generation materials, research reports and training materials. See all publications.

Parliamentary Discourse on Nutrition
Jyotsna Sripada, Shruthi Raman, Neetu Sharma, Robert Johnston, Sylvie Chamois, Arjan de Wagt, Rakesh Sarwal

Adequacy of Anganwadi Centres in Tribal and Urban areas in the State of Karnataka
Neetu Sharma, Sudha. S, Jyotsna Sripada, Shruthi Raman and Kumaraswamy. T