Subhadra Nair

Subhadra joins the team at the Centre for Child and the Law, NLSIU as a Research Associate. Her focus area of research at the Centre is the juvenile justice system. Her role entails research and capacity building in specific areas under the juvenile justice system, review of draft national / state policies, and drafting of legal opinions.
She has completed her graduation in Economics and post-graduation in Public Policy and Governance. She is pursuing her Postgraduate Diploma in Human Rights Law.
Prior to joining the Centre, she worked as a Researcher at Prayas, Centre for Criminology and Justice, School of Social Work at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. She has been part of drafting recommendations to the DCPCR on the needs of children of prisoners. She has also been engaged with Project 39A, NLU-D in assisting their mitigation team.
- ‘Prisoners’ Contact with their Families: Procedures, Practices and Experiences’; Prayas, TISS Mumbai (2020) at
- ‘Rapid Needs Assessment Survey of Criminal Justice System Affected Persons and their Families’, Prayas, TISS Mumbai (2020) at pdf